Reduce reporting and operational costs
Use advanced analytics to identify error trends in your reporting data and fix issues at the source, reducing the need to do back reporting at a later date.
Detailed peer group analysis
Understand where your data is an outlier in the industry. Identify where you are reporting differently to your counterparties.
Be alerted on data accuracy issues
Receive alerts when data accuracy issues are detected – so you can take swift action to address them.
Benchmark your data accuracy with dashboards
Use interactive dashboards and metrics to compare your data accuracy with an anonymised view of your peers and the wider market. Select specific venues and change the underlying data to drill into specific areas of interest.
Our Data Accuracy module uses the power of UnaVista’s community to provide peer group benchmarking on your reporting – so you can see if your firm is reporting trades differently to the rest of the market.
Data Accuracy peer-to-peer dashboards (subject to change) include:
- Total Transaction Summary
- Summary of ARM Exception Field / Reasons
- Summary of NCA Rejection Reasons
- Summary of Rejection by Asset class / Venue
- Summary of Trading Time
- Summary of Submission by Trading capacity
- Summary of MiFIR Eligibility
Ensure the data accuracy that regulators demand
The accuracy of your reporting data is under greater scrutiny from the regulators than ever before. The FCA processed 16.3 billion transaction reports during the first two years of MiFID II reporting – more than were processed during the entire lifetime of MiFID I. The regulator’s systems only verify technical validations, so firms are expected to undertake their own validations to ensure records are correct.
Help your firm meet the regulator’s requirements with the new Data Accuracy module. The new interactive dashboards and alerts can help you identity, understand and mitigate data quality issues fast.
Request a Data Quality ReviewReceive alerts on data accuracy issues
Stay alerted to emerging data accuracy issues for faster resolution. Our Data Accuracy module is designed and developed in partnership with the LSEG Market Supervision team, experts in spotting abnormalities in data for the real-time and post-trade surveillance of the London Stock Exchange markets.
Pattern-based alerts highlight inconsistencies in your firm’s transactional data reported via the UnaVista MiFIR ARM – with no exports or integrations required. The module also provides a user workflow to allow alerts to be tracked while under investigation, with an audited timeline – all within the UnaVista single sign-on environment.
Data Accuracy alert categories (subject to change) include:
- Trading Capacity
- Transmission Indicator
- Potentially Erroneous
- Related Transactions
- Outlier Transactions