List sustainable debt instruments in London
London Stock Exchange’s dedicated Sustainable Bond Market champions innovative issuers in sustainable finance – and improves access, flexibility and transparency for investors.
We were the world’s first major exchange to establish a dedicated Green Bond Segment. Now, as the need for investors and companies to manage climate risks and foster change becomes ever more important, our expanded Sustainable Bond Market offers a wide range of opportunities for green, sustainability, social and issuer-level classified bonds (via green revenue eligibility or sustainability-linked instruments). Our latest innovation, the Transition Bond Segment offers a distinct transition label and access to capital for issuers looking to transition to the low-carbon economy.
Why choose London’s Sustainable Bond Market
London’s sustainable debt finance credentials
Internationally recognised
Global innovation
Unrivalled experience
Sustainable Bond Market Structure

Issuer-level Classification
Bonds by issuers whose core business activity is aligned with the green economy or where the sustainable nature of the instrument is not based on distinct and pre-defined use of proceeds.
Transition to a low carbon economy
Transition bonds are a subset of sustainable debt instruments whereby the issuer is raising funds in debt markets for climate and/or just transition-related purposes.
They can take the following forms:
Use of Proceeds instruments aligned to the Green and Social Bond Principles or Sustainability Bond Guidelines;
General Corporate Purpose instruments aligned to the Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles.
Issuers must demonstrate credibility through preparation of a transition framework aligned to guidelines set out in the Climate Transition Finance Handbook on a best efforts basis.
Certified Use of Proceeds
Independent External review:Second opinion
Third party Verification aligned with ICMA Principles of other eligible standards.

Green Revenues
Issuers demonstrating they have greater than or equal to 90% of revenues derived from green revenues as outlined in London Stock Exchange’s criteria.
Sustainability-Linked Bonds
Forward-looking performance-based bond instruments where the issuer is committing to future improvements in sustainability outcomes within a predefined timeline, in accordance with relevant international standards.
The proceeds will be exclusively applied to finance projects with clear environmental benefits.
The proceeds will be exclusively applied to finance a combination of both Green and Social Projects.
The proceeds will be exclusively applied to finance in part or in full new and/or existing eligible Social Projects.
*Please refer to the SBM Factsheet for detailed technical information.
Why you should list sustainable debt instruments
Sustainable debt instruments are one of the most visible market-based initiatives in sustainable finance, as well as being a well-established asset class with institutional investors. They have significant potential to transform the economy into one that is more environmentally and socially sustainable, and offer numerous benefits to issuers.

How issuers use sustainable debt instruments
A wide range of companies and organisations have issued bonds on London Stock Exchange’s Sustainable Bond Market.
Explore case studiesYour Guide to Green Finance
Learn more about the green economy and sustainable finance opportunities in this helpful guide to ‘Navigating the Green Finance Landscape’.
The guide explains the policy and market context of sustainable finance – and how London’s issuers are using green finance tools to support their growth and the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Download the guideContact us to learn more
For a discussion of your sustainable finance options in London, please complete the contact form.
List a sustainable debt instrument in London and help your business drive the green economy.